Hi again! I know it's been like forever, but here I am! :) Today my husband(I know I haven't blogged about that either..I will soon! Promise!) Nick and I went to the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival in Seattle!! It was a blast!! There was tons of amazing, decadent, kinky art to peruse and I loved every second of it! We also bought some pieces to add to our art collection! They are all lovely and I love eve piece!! Now for some pictures!! Enjoy!!
Elizabeth Darvill
Steampunk and paranormal romance author
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Times be a changing!!

Hello Lovelies!! Where do I start...whew...I hit the new year running!! I've got about a thousand different things going on right now!!
Sadly, my writing has suffered a bit with all the craziness, but I'm doing my best to fix that so I can bring you some more stories soon! :)
I do have a new anthology that just came out, it's called 'Her Majesty's Mysterious Conveyance'! I'm so excited about my story in this one! It has a few firsts for me, one it's my first all ages friendly story, you all know how I love to write hot, so I toned it down, but it's still a really fun story! Also...this is the first book in which I'm using my new name!! I will now be writing under and soon legally Elizabeth Valentino!! *grin* Which leads me on to the next order of business!! :)

Along the lines of the name change...I'm also planning a wedding and oh dear lord...it's less then 3 months away...*headdesk* It's going to be a really fun, low key steampunk themed wedding. I can't wait to marry the love of my life, Nick Valentino! He really is the most wonderful man in the whole world!!

On top of all of this...we are moving all the way across the country!!! I know we are crazy!! lol We are heading out from Nashville and returning to the land of rain, Seattle! I'm so excited and happy to return home and to be able to see my sweet kids more!! Nick is so wonderful for moving across the country for me, I'm so grateful.
I will keep you all updated on all the craziness and stay tuned for our cross country trek with all of our belongings stuffed in a uhaul...it's sure to be an adventure!!
*hugs and kisses*
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Busy weekend ahead!

I'm excited to have so much planned for this weekend!! First the 11-13th I'm a steampunk guest of honor along with my very talented fiance Nick Valentino for Virtual Con! The fun thing about this con is you can attend from the comfort and convenience of your own home! I have a panel at 8:30pm Friday night and a reading at 4:30 on Sunday!

Also this weekend, Nick and I are attending the Mechanical Masquerade in Atlanta, GA!! I can't wait it is going to be so much fun! I get to dress up and see some friends I haven't seen in awhile and maybe sell a book or two! :)
Other then that, I've just been a busy little bee as always! Working on wedding plans, plotting new books, etc, etc!!
I think that wraps things up! So until next time my lovelies!
Friday, October 21, 2011
In which the romance author descends into mushy, romantic ramblings...

I must warn you I am in a very sentimental mood today!! hehe Also, reading further may induce vomiting, but you've been warned!
Anywho, I was just reflecting today on how lucky I am. The last year(I'm guessing its my birthday being tomorrow that has me reflecting) has been seriously life changing and crazy, in a good way! The most amazing part of it has been Nick Valentino, he has shown me that you can find someone that loves you for you, someone that doesn't want to change you, but embraces you as a person.

I've spent most of my life trying to change myself to fit the situation, never being able to be liked or loved for who I am. I thought that a happy relationship was a myth and you had to make do with whatever was the best you could find. I'm not blaming past relationships, I'm blaming myself for not having the guts to just be me. When I finally got the courage to stop living a false life and just be me I thought it would be eternally me against the world since I wasn't willing to compromise any more.
Then by chance, coincidence, whatever you want to call it I met Nick. We couldn't have been a worse match, by circumstances, we lived on opposite ends of the country, I had 3 kids, etc, etc, etc. Yet, through all those odds we have carried on and we have the most amazing, strong, loving, passionate relationship. It's more then I could have ever hoped or dreamed for.

So my point behind this post...I actually have two reasons for it. Number one-please don't ever sell yourself short, we all want to be in a relationship and to be loved, but it isn't worth compromising to the point you lose yourself to have it. You can find someone that you can just be you with, that is filled with all the excitement and passion you deserve.
And my second reason is to say...Babe, I love you so much and thank you for being the wonderful, amazing man that you are and I'm honored and excited to spend the rest of my life with you.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I love the fall and Hallowen!!

Nick and I have been on a major horror movie streak, classics, cheesey, teen screams, you name it, we've been watching it! :) Help us out and give us your recomendations, what scary movies are your favorites?
I'm also ADDICTED to pumpkin beer!! It's so freaking good! If you haven't tried it yet, go try some now!!! I love when I can find one that really tastes like pumpkin pie...but beer! So good!!

October is my very

favorite month of fall and not just because it's my birthday...no really...I swear...lol It's because of Halloween!! I LOVE Halloween!! All the dark, spooky, scary, fun of my favorite holiday really makes me like a giddy school girl! I've been so busy this month I've had no time to decorate, but my adorable Halloween elf(aka Nick) did the decorating for me!! Nick and I are going to dress up as Van Helsing and Anna Valerious! We thought it was a good couple costume! :)What are you going to be for Halloween??
I think thats it for now...until next time...don't do anything I wouldn't do! ;)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Release dates, bookfests and wedding plans..oh my!!

I'm a very, very bad author...my release date for Steam Heat has come and gone without me posting here about it!! I do have a semi-good excuse though since I was stuck out of state dealing with a family emergency...but still! Anywho...if you like paranormal romance, steampunk romance, erotic stories, or all of the above...GO BUY a copy of Steam Heat now!! At only $2.99, how can you resist! :)

In other news, my fiance(yeah, I know you all know who he is, I just really, really like saying it)Nick Valentino and I will be at the Southern Festival of Books this weekend! We will be dressed in out steampunk finest, selling and signing copies of our books! So, if you are around the Nashville area this weekend come find us! We will be doing some fun giveaways as well!
In other, non-book related news, Nick and I have started looking at places to have our wedding, putting together guest lists and all the other fun wedding planning stuff. Have I mentioned I'm making my dress...since the wedding is only 6 months away, I guess I better get cracking! I will keep you updated with all the fun details as we get even deeper into planning our steampunk wedding! :)
I think that is it for now!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Steam Heat is up for pre-order!!!

I was beyond excited to find "Steam Heat" my first story in my Lust in a Time of Steam series with Harlequin Spice Brief is available for pre-order on Amazon!!! It is available October 1st, so what are you waiting for...go pre-order it right NOW!! lol I will keep you posted with up-coming guest blogs/release day excitement, so stay tuned!!

I'm also working on a bunch of really exciting new writing projects that I can't wait to share with you!! They will all be hot and sexy, with fun steampunk/paranormal elements! I'm even going back to my first love(vampires) for one story! ;)
Until next time, remember, don't do anything I wouldn't do! ;)
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